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Portuguese residency address update
Updated over 5 months ago

If you've recently changed your habitual residence, it's crucial to inform the Tax Authority promptly, generally through the Portal das Finanças. The Tax Authority's regulations require you to communicate your new tax residence within 60 days of the change.

For foreign residents in Portugal without a Citizen Card, the tax address change can be done online via the Tax Authority’s website or in person at any Tax and Customs Authority branch. Once the request is performed, a confirmation code letter will be sent to your new address to complete the alteration process.

Portuguese nationals, individuals with a Citizen Card or Identity Card, must handle their tax address change directly through the respective card, not at the Tax Office.

How can we assist you?

Relocate Now offers comprehensive assistance for updating and changing your tax address, on a national level, to a new tax residency address.

What is the estimated time to complete?

Our typical timeframe for processing tax residency change requests is 48 hours after receiving and approving all necessary documentation. However, it's important to note that the tax authorities' acceptance timings can vary. On average, the process takes about 10 business days. The specific circumstances and the responsiveness of the tax authorities may influence this timeline.

What are our fees?

Our service fee for updating/changing your address within Portugal is as follows:

  • Service Fee: €25 (Euros) + VAT

This fee covers the seamless management of your tax residency change nationally.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to update my tax address?

Updating your tax address ensures that official communications and tax-related documents reach you promptly, preventing any potential issues or delays. Your address will also be automatically updated with Social Security.

Can I change my tax address online through the Tax Authority's website, if I have a Citizen Card?

No, individuals with a Citizen Card or Identity Card must handle their tax address change directly through the respective card, not at the Tax Office.

What documents are required for the tax address change process?

The specific documents needed may vary, but generally, proof of residence at the new address and identification documents are required.

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